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Someone once told me the thief broke the law is the strongest inside the arena 2V2, I laughed at the time, the strongest DPS could only belong to the same two occupations. Take pairs of France to talk about here.


Gustave 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

During this time I read a lot about the article DLY, DLY Some said how useless, but also how powerful that DLY. 17173 also read recently that "balance Germany's PVP" video, psychology will have much to say them.

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     Recent "Hunter ROLL dagger" incidents in the LR area caused a heated debate to comment on the article, the article is also endless, but most of these articles are critical of this from various angles LR, let me diving for many years, do not look back Players also have a Laiyueliangju. First, the original text did not say one thing, that is, there are five old ZAM 2 daggers, one is the + AP Penetration resistance, and the other to a Penetration + min AP, and a different dagger a direct impact on LR, demand for the dagger. Assume that out of my articles is + Min (original right vague, but seems to be able to see this dagger), and that LR needs of all I can say that he is very visionary. Incident LR needs to do this dagger has a few strong backing of:

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